Promote the Games

Use these tools to help promote the Lincoln Corporate Games within your company!

Lincoln Corporate Games Dashboard

Admin Packet

Managing Team Captains Walkthrough

Point System

Corporate Games Manager Admin Manual

Corporate Games Manager Employee Manual

Poster (Printable .pdf)

Shareable Images

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Lincoln Corporate Games?

The Lincoln Corporate Games is a company based competition that takes place every fall. Through healthy competition, the games promote and enable teamwork, company pride and corporate wellness. Events include both competitive and non-competitive, in-person and virtual events.

What is the purpose of the Lincoln Corporate Games?
  • To promote physical activity and general physical fitness to employees of Nebraska businesses, municipalities and government entities through competitive sports and recreational events.
  • To provide companies with a platform to promote employee wellness, teamwork and instill company pride through competition in sports and recreational events.
  • To provide a perk that companies can use in recruiting/retaining employees.
How do I contact for more information?

Phone: 402-471-2544


Facebook: Lincoln Corporate Games

When does registration for the Lincoln Corporate Games take place?

Company registration for the Lincoln Corporate Games is currently open. Registration will continue until July 15 or until the Games hit capacity (50 companies for 2024). Companies are encouraged to register early to be guaranteed a spot.

What is the company’s investment for the Lincoln Corporate Games?

Jan. 1 – July 15th – $2,500

NOTE: If registering online, there will be a credit card transaction fee added. Companies may also register via email and be invoiced. 

Simply email:, or

Who is eligible to compete?

The Lincoln Corporate Games are open to any company, municipality or government agency or department in Nebraska. Participation is for regular employees (full or part-time) and interns. Participants must be 18 years of age or older.

How do employees sign-up for events?

In order to participate in the Lincoln Corporate Games, employers register online and reserve a spot for the company. Then, the company will pay online. For team sports and limited events, the company administrator or event coordinator will determine who is competing in which events.


What if an employee wants to enter multiple sports and events?

Employees are allowed to compete in multiple sports and events. In limited roster events, the company administrator determines which employees will participate.


How many participants can a company have in each event?

Some in-person team events have a limit to the number of teams a company can submit, as well as a limit on the roster size. Most individual competitive and non-competitive events have no limit on the number of participants.


How do you win events?

Companies will compete against companies of similar size based on number of employees for overall company plaques in each division.

One company from each division will take home the Lincoln Corporate Games Title Belt, which will be awarded to the company that accumulates the most points during the Lincoln Corporate Games.


Are there company awards?

Champion Banners will be awarded to the top company in each event. In some events, medals will also be awarded to participants of the top three teams in each division.


Are companies required to have uniforms?

Companies are encouraged to be creative and provide a company t-shirt or jersey for their employees, but uniforms are not required for most events.

How can companies become sponsors?

Sponsorships are available at several different levels. Get exposure for your company while also supporting a unique event. Contact the Nebraska Sports Council Staff at or 402-471-2544.

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